e-MDs EHR Systems and Practice Management Software

EHR For Quality Patient Care & Optimal Business Results

e-MDs aims to help physicians provide the highest quality of patient care while optimizing the business aspects of physician practices. e-MDs health information technology (HIT) experts, including physicians, are actively involved with and provide leadership for efforts related to patient safety, patient privacy, Meaningful Use and health information exchange.

Streamlining Medical Practice Management for More Than 20 Years

Since 1996, e-MDs has developed and refined software designed to help physicians rediscover the joy of practicing medicine. Precision is proud to support physicians utilizing e-MDs' technology across the U.S.

Precision was engaged to start the process of "taking our practice paperless" and the results have been tremendous. First, our office network was significantly upgraded by Precision. Then, all of our physicians went wireless in both of our offices and from home. Our dictation workflow was then automated via an EHR to Dragon interface and we are now scanning, generating e-files or receiving e-faxes for all documents that we formerly archived in paper form. We have now completed our transition to electronic health records. Precision has also provided strong tech support for us - even on weekends - with extremely quick response time. That kind of support is really hard to find."